You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2011.

After a busy holiday season, it’s time to get back on track! I’m looking forward to a lot of new artwork. First a little back tracking…. I wanted to post an encaustic painting that I was working on when I took a vacation from blogging. I love doing encaustics when the weather is cold. It is called “Trees of Life”. The apparent tree of the work is a representation of the monkey pod tree in my backyard that overlooks my studio space. The other “tree” in the work, is the coconut tree fiber from the tree in my front yard. I used the fiber in the background along with natural canvas. It is 18″h x 24″w on a cradled wooden panel.


Trees of Life - Pati O'Neal

On a separate note – It was exciting to when I heard someone mention they saw my painting “Staggerwing Reflections” in Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine. (First time I’ve had my name and artwork in a nationally published magazine!)

Have a good weekend!